Best Arthritis Treatment in UTTAR PRADESH

Arthritis management in Noida

What is Arthritis

Arthritis is inflammation of one or more joints, which causes pain and stiffness that worsens with age.

There are various varieties of arthritis, each with its own set of causes, such as wear and tear, infections, and underlying disorders.

Symptoms include pain, swelling, reduced range of motion and stiffness.

Medication, physiotherapy or sometimes surgery helps reduce symptoms and improve quality of life.

Best Arthritis Physiotherapy in Noida

There are many proven physiotherapy techniques that can help a patient suffering from arthritis, some are listed below;

  • Hydrotherapy- Water is used to treat ailments, relieve pain, and preserve health. Mineral baths and hot tubs are two examples.

  • Stretching- Stretching exercises can help with flexibility and physical function.

  • Massage-Relaxes tense muscles.

Contact Dr Sonu Kalgan or visit her clinic, to know more about arthritis and its management.