Bell's Palsy Physiotherapy in Noida
Bell's palsy is a sudden weakening of the face nerve that causes transient facial paralysis. Bell's palsy causes one side of the face to become weak or paralysed. Physical therapy or exercises for Be...
Manual Therapy in Noida
Manual physical therapy is a type of physical treatment that is delivered using the hands rather than a device or machine. Manual therapists apply pressure to muscle tissue and move joints in an attempt to relieve back pain...
Vestibular Rehabilitation in Noida
For those who suffer from imbalance, ringing in the ears, chronic headaches, pressure in the ear, or dizziness, vestibular rehabilitation has shown to be quite effective. If patients keep up with the activities t...
Post-Surgical Rehabilitation in Noida
Patients can manage post-operative discomfort, restore motion and strength, reduce pain, stiffness, and swelling, and return to their normal activities more rapidly with the help of best post-surgery rehabilit...
Physical Therapy in Noida
When someone is affected by an injury, illness, disease, or disability, physical therapy is a field of medicine that focuses on the diagnosis, prevention, and holistic approach to therapeutic management and rehabilitation...